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5 Ways Liposuction Can Add to Your Breast Enhancement

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by Beauty Blogger Emmy Owens

When most people think of liposuction, they think about making certain areas of the body smaller, such as their thighs or midsections. But you can also use liposuction to make other areas of your body seem bigger — in a good way.

Take the breasts. Breast surgery and liposuction are the top 2 cosmetic surgery procedures each year, and many plastic surgeons recommend their patients pair them up for a combined effect.

Here are the most common ways a surgeon can use liposuction to give a patient a more attractive and noticeable effect after her breast enhancement procedure.

1. Streamline the Tummy

The most commonly requested region for liposuction is the abdomen. This is a troublesome area for many people who may be otherwise thin but stuck with a stubborn “pooch” no matter how many situps they do. When a woman invests time and money in a breast augmentation procedure, she usually wants to be able to show off her results with confidence in any kind of clothes or swimwear. A tummy can hamper those efforts. Adding liposuction to breast augmentation not only clears up that issue, but it also makes the breasts look larger, no matter the size of implants. A thinner waistline accentuates the bust for that hourglass figure many women desire.


2. Improve Breast Shape

Another common use of liposuction is to improve the shape of the breast during a reduction procedure. According to Eugene, Oregon, plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Jewell, liposuction is commonly used during breast reduction procedures to “contour the rolls of breast tissue on the chest wall.” Skin and other tissues are also removed during this procedure, and liposuction helps surgeons ensure pleasing, smooth contours are left behind.

3. Reduce a Bra Bulge

Some surgeons recommend using liposuction to reduce the prominence of the excess tissue commonly found on the back known as a “bra bulge.” Many plastic surgeons agree that performing liposuction on a patient’s lower and upper back can give her better projection and a more attractive result following any breast enhancement procedure, including augmentation, lift, and reduction.

4. Sculpt the Arms

Another common concern among many breast enhancement patients is excess fat in the upper arm and armpit region. Unfortunately, this area rarely responds to lifestyle changes, and it can often detract from an otherwise excellent breast enhancement procedure if not properly addressed. Surgeons can improve the contour of this region significantly through liposuction, giving the patient a more visually pleasing end result.

5. Add Volume to the Breasts

Many surgeons now perform a treatment called fat grafting in which they can remove fat from one area with liposuction and move it somewhere more useful. For many patients, this is the breasts. Fat can be injected around the edges and top of breast implants for a soft, natural look and feel and more volume at the top (aka cleavage). Some people even forego the implants altogether and get only fat injections in a fat transfer breast augmentation, although they don’t get as much of a volume increase. This is also popular for breast reconstruction patients after a mastectomy.

As you can see, liposuction has a lot of versatility when it comes to improving a breast enhancement procedure. Best of all, adding liposuction does not typically make the recovery period any longer after breast surgery. Any patient considering breast enhancement should thoroughly research her options and talk with her surgeon about these possibilities.

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Emmy Owens

Emmy Owens is a health & beauty blogger who loves everything related to looking your best! She is a mother and wife who loves staying fit by chasing her little kids! As she has become older she is not opposed to a cosmetic enhancement here or there, but the specifics remain in the vault.

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