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BAAPS Launches Insurance Policy for Plastic Surgery Complications

This is a major breakthrough in Cosmetics. Its the very first time that insurance is going to be provided to patients having plastic surgeries. This is announced by the BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons)! This is proved to be necessary after a review conducted by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh and his panel. This review shows that UK is in the threshold of a Cosmetic Crisis.



So the BAAPS, in line with Sir Keogh’s review, worked together with an insurance firm in order to provide an insurance policy for patients having plastic surgeries. The cost of the insurance will be added in the cost of the surgery. This policy refers to complications (infections or bleeding) in corrective surgeries. This insurance will also cover the abnormal body reaction to breast implants (known as capsular contracture), which is pretty common situation (10% of breast augmentation surgeries involve this reaction).

The president of BAAPS, Rajiv Grover claims: ”In line with Sir Bruce Keogh’s recommendations for more safeguards in the aesthetic surgery sector, we are [launching] a truly innovative insurance package that will further protect our patients” and adds ‘No procedure is risk-free and ASC covers all common complications, so people undergoing surgery with BAAPS members can enjoy peace of mind that they will be looked after, in the unlikely event of any problems.’

Here at we feel this is a step to the right direction because the safety of patient should always the first priority when speaking of Plastic Surgery!

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