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“Slowing Time: 3 Things To Know About Eyelid Surgery” by Dr. Tansavatdi

Time has a way of taking its toll on our bodies, and especially on our once-youthful complexion. One of the first signs of this fact occurs in our eyes. It is often said that eyes are the window to the soul; thus, if our eyes appear tired, then so will our demeanor. The first step in regaining that youthful appearance is to address the eyes, or more specifically, our eyelids.

intro to blepharoplastyAs time marches forward, eyelids become droopy, as the skin around the eyes begin to lose elasticity. This is often what causes the appearance of aging, which is usually the precursor to other symptoms. According to staff writers for the Mayo Clinic:

“As you age, your eyelids stretch, and the muscles supporting them weaken. As a result, excess fat may gather above and below your eyelids, causing sagging eyebrows, drooping upper lids and bags under your eyes.”

Plastic surgery may hold the key to effectively slowing this aging process. The term for this kind of procedure is called blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery.

However, there are a few aspects about blepharoplasty that you should know before you decide to have the procedure done. Eyelid surgery may not be for everyone, but it may certainly be a viable option if you are hoping to regain those bright, beautiful eyes again.

#1: Eyelid surgery deals with several different types of procedures for correcting several different problems.
intro to blepharoplastyIt really does depend on what kind of plastic surgery the patient is seeking. There are several different procedures, which address different problem areas. For instance, you can have a procedure done on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, addressing dark circles, bags, and even fine lines and wrinkles. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, this is a list of ‘Treatable Conditions’ that blepharoplasty can address:

  • “Upper eyelid surgery can remove excess fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the upper eyelids.
  • Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision, can be treated by eyelid lift surgery.
  • Lower eyelid blepharoplasty can remove excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid.
  • Bags under the eyes can be corrected by blepharoplasty.
  • Lower eyelid surgery can correct droopiness of the lower eyelids, showing white below the iris (colored portion of the eye).”

The procedure itself is considerably easy, as most patients experience very little discomfort, and there is usually a 36-hour recovery period before resuming normal activities.

#2: Blepharoplasty is a safe procedure for most patients.

One of the best parts about eyelid surgery is that there are remarkably very few complications involved. According to the professionals at Tansavatdi Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery:

“Complications are highly unusual with blepharoplasty, with rare cases of bleeding or infection, which can generally be treated easily.”

However, you should always let your plastic surgeon know about any health conditions, as these could affect the procedure. Especially if you have:

“…chronic dry eyes, diabetes, cardiovascular (heart) disease, high blood pressure, or hypothyroidism. The surgeon will take a full medical history prior to eyelid surgery to make sure that the patient is a good candidate for the procedure.”

Overall, blepharoplasty is seen as one of the safest kinds of procedures, not requiring a great deal of recovery time, with only a local anesthetic needed, and the results can be seen within just a few days after the procedure.

#3: The cost of eyelid surgery is comparatively inexpensive to most plastic surgery procedures.

On average, the cost of the procedure is usually about $3,000, depending on what is being done and the complexity involved. If both the upper and lower eyelids are undergoing the procedure, then the cost is roughly $6,000.

Also, some insurance plans will cover blepharoplasty if the patient is doing so for health-related reasons, such as if the patient’s eyelids are obstructing vision.

For many who have undergone eyelid surgery, the procedure has had life-changing results. Because the eyes are so important to a person’s complexion, causing the eyes to appear younger and brighter can change the look of the entire face. Transformation back into that younger, more vibrant you may only be one procedure away.

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Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi

Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi

Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi is a fellowship-trained reconstructive and facial plastic in the Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village area in California.
Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi

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