How Does Lipo Work

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Hello and thank you in advance for taking the time to answer this!

I am seriously considering the option of having liposuction in belly but i am not pretty sure how the whole thing works.

Does Lipo kills fat cells and then removes the destroyed cells via suction? Does it mechanically breaks fat tissue?

And if it’s one and only procedure, why are there so many different liposuction methods (laser, ultrasonic, tumescent etc)?

Thanks again

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How Does Lipo Work
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Posted by Magnolia Winkel (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
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Hi Magnolia,

I would recommend a consultation with a liposuction specialist in your area so that the process of liposuction can be explained to you in a more detailed answer. However, liposuction is the broad term for the permanent removal of fat cells.

The different methods involve different techniques for breaking through the fat before it is suctioned out. For example Liquid Liposuction uses the power of water to break up the fat before it is suctioned out. Whereas Vaser Liposuction uses ultrasound technology to melt the fat sells before suction – like turning a brick into soft butter.

I have pasted below a link to my website where you can find further information.

Kindest regards,
Dr Ajaka

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Posted by Dr. Joseph Ajaka (Questions: 0, Answers: 31)
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