How to minimize post lipo issues

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I am interested in having liposuction (i am between VASER & SmartLipo). Wonder if there is something to do in order to make my recovery less painful and hopefully shorter!

Thanks in advance

PS: What would you suggest in order to have a milder recovery? Smartlipo or VASER?

Your Opinion?

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Posted by Lina Thomas (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on August 1, 2013 8:29 am
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Hi Lina,
Although I don’t use laser liposuction at my practice, I do use ultrasonic-assisted liposuction (the same technology as VASER®), and the faster recovery for my patients is one specific reason why I use this method. The ultrasonic energy of UAL targets the fat cells only, which minimizes trauma to the surrounding tissue. Many patients report less bruising, reduced swelling and a much faster recovery after ultrasonic lipo compared to other types of liposuction. I feel laser liposuction runs a higher risk of damage to surrounding healthy tissue, especially in the hands of less experienced practitioners. However, as long as you’re choosing a very skilled surgeon, you should see positive results from either type of lipo.
Best regards,
Dr. Castellano

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Posted by Dr. Joseph Castellano (Questions: 0, Answers: 6)
Answered on October 17, 2013 4:00 pm
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Hi Lina,

The truth is, no matter how much research you do, it is impossible to predict exactly how each patient will respond during surgery or recovery. Although both VASER® and SmartLipo® may be less invasive than traditional (tumescent) liposuction and with a faster healing time, I believe it really comes down to the skill level of your surgeon and their specific technique. That being said, VASER® and SmartLipo® often have similar recovery times. Most patients find that they are up and about within a couple days and are back to their routine in about a week or two. Again, this depends on your body’s response to surgery. Definitely discuss your concerns with your surgeon before making an appointment.

Best wishes,
Dr. Campanile

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Posted by Dr. Frank Campanile (Questions: 0, Answers: 6)
Answered on October 15, 2013 11:34 am
Private answer

Hi Celina,

The first thing to remember is to always see a reputable doctor when undertaking a liposuction procedure. I would recommend you avoid alcohol and any medication that can thin the blood such as aspirin and fish oils. These can thin the blood, cause more bruising and slow down your recovery. Be healthy pre and post surgery and always maintain a good diet. Good nutrition is a key factor in recovering from any procedure. You should eat well and undertake a basic exercise program in the lead up and also once you have recovered from the procedure. Walking after the procedure will also help to speed up your recovery and reduce the duration of your swelling.

On going home after the procedure, you will not be bed-ridden, and we encourage you to move about and not be stagnate. Everybody heals differently, you know your own body and we suggest you listen to it and give yourself time to heal properly. Normal daily activities can be returned to the day after the procedure but please avoid vigorous activities such as exercise or sports for 2-3 weeks.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage performed in the weeks after your procedure. will speed up the recovery time from the swelling and lumpiness.

To decide on the best treatment option for you, I would recommend you consult with your doctor and they will be able to advise on that method that will best suit your individual needs. Both options have a very fast recovery rate with most patients able to return to work within 1 to 3 days.

Kindest regards,
Dr Ajaka

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Posted by Dr. Joseph Ajaka (Questions: 0, Answers: 31)
Answered on August 20, 2013 6:55 am
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