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Cosmetic enhancement in the elderly – how much is recommendable?

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by Edward Francis

Plastic surgery is more common than ever, with women of all ages choosing to go under the knife to change their appearance. Older women are no exception, and many of them choose to have a cosmetic surgery treatment without even telling their family. What is it that compels so many women to have plastic surgery?


The face in the mirror

Sooner or later, as we all age, we start to see the signs of the years in our reflection. We notice a new wrinkle here, or a bit of a sag there. As these start to add up, you realize that you’re not looking as young as you used to, and it is natural to want to change that. The thought of paying to regain some youth is appealing to many people.Cosmetic surgery in women over 50 is pretty common. Most of them choose to have Botox injections to eradicate fine lines or a dermabrasion treatment to restore the youthful-looking aspect of the skin.

Others on the other hand, are courageous enough to opt for more complex procedures such as facelifts, forehead lift, eyelid surgery, breast augmentation and more. Even though we can’t deny that cosmetic surgery has amazing benefits, it’s still important for a patient to realize when enough is enough. Plastic surgery can become an addiction, and you certainly don’t want to be 50 and look 80 just because your face was injected with too much Botox.

Increased self-esteem is the goal

Most women don’t have plastic surgery to impress others, but to make themselves feel better. Our society is obsessed with youth and beauty, and women who are getting older may feel that they are watching that slip away. To maintain their feeling of youth, they opt for cosmetic surgery procedures such as face lifts and chin tucks. Whether other people think they look better afterwards isn’t the point. As long as the woman herself is happy with the result, it can be a boost for her self-esteem and confidence.


Looking for subtle results

Most women getting plastic surgery are not looking for big results. In fact, they hope to make a subtle change, so that people won’t realize what happened. They want their friends to say “You’re looking great today,” not “Did you have some work done?” On the surface, changes could be small, but it can make a significant difference to the way many women think about themselves. If they’re happier with the way they look afterwards, then it was worth it. It’s not just a cosmetic procedure, but a psychological shift.

Many women keep it from others

A high percentage of women don’t tell anybody, not even their husband that they are having a procedure done. They may time it around a business trip, or some other opportunity to have it done while nobody notices. Why the secrecy? In many cases, a woman is afraid that her husband will say “I like you just the way you are – you don’t need to get plastic surgery.” On the surface, it seems like any woman would be happy to hear that. However, the reality is that most women aren’t having the surgery to make him happier, they’re doing it for their own reasons. They’d rather not have that discussion, so they keep their surgery to themselves.


Cosmetic surgery is increasing

Cosmetic surgery as an approach to lessening the signs of age is growing in popularity. There are different reasons for this increase. First, there are more advanced treatment options available today than there used to be, with techniques like velashape, laser surgery, etc. Also, people seem to be more comfortable with the risks of surgery now than before, thanks to improvements in medical technology.

Studies have shown that 40% of women in the 50s would opt for some sort of facial rejuvenation surgery. They want to look young, and they’re not afraid of going under the knife. Right now, the techniques and the substances used for a cosmetic procedure are more advanced than ever before; the risks are lower and the effects last longer. Believe it or not, cosmetic surgery can remove up to 15 years from your face, and honestly every 50-year old woman would want to look 35.

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Edward Francis

Edward Francis is interested in writing about health and fitness related issues. He has a deep knowledge at this field. Also he writes for which offers a full range of Cosmetic Surgery and non-surgical procedures for men and women.

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