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Cosmetic Surgery in 2014: Lifts Predicted to Keep Lifting

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As more and more celebrities get behind the increasing number of cosmetic surgery procedures available, we mere mortals spend more time considering getting similar treatments for ourselves to look and feel just how we want to.

While the arguments over whether such procedures are a good thing or a bad thing will rumble on and on, it’s easy to see why so many members of the general public are considering going “under the knife” when we see celebrities looking stunning. So easy in fact, that the number of people registering for, and undergoing, the various treatments is on the rise year after year as this infographic created by shows.

In 2013, there were more than 50,000 procedures performed in the UK alone and that figure is expected to rise as we move through 2014 and surgeons become more skilled and more trusted with our bodies.

Some of the more common procedures, such as breast implants and the so-called ‘tummy tucks’ are predicted to remain popular, but why is that? Well the simple answer is that people want to look what they perceive to be ‘their best’ and when the likes of Kim Kardashian are open about the procedures they’ve had – such as the Vampire Facial – they’re likely to influence people who look up to and admire them, encouraging them to get similar work done themselves.

So let’s have a look at the Infographic:


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