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“Liposuction for flabby arms” by Dr. W. Hall

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by Cosmetic Surgeon William Hall MD

Trying to constantly hide flabby arms can be a real challenge, especially in warmer climates or in the summertime when full sleeves around the clock just aren’t an option. Excess fat surrounding the upper arms can be a really embarrassing issue for many people. As we age our skin everywhere becomes less elastic and that includes the skin on our arms. Women in particular are prone to arms that jiggle and many women are most genetically predisposed to flabby arms despite efforts to tone the area with more exercise.


Sometimes upper arm fat requires special assistance to get arms back into a more flattering shape which is why many people turn to liposuction for ridding stubborn areas such as upper arms of all the excess fat.

Upper arm liposuction has grown in popularity, particularly Tumescent liposuction which doesn’t require serious surgery and uses a local anesthetic to numb only the areas which are being treated. Tumescent liposuction is generally very safe and relatively painless and doesn’t require as much downtime as traditional liposuction methods. A few, very small incisions are made into the upper arm area where a very small cannula is inserted and a laser is then used to target the specific areas of fat and gently melt them away and vacuum it out. The laser also serves to tighten the skin creating a more toned appearance.

With Tumescent liposuction the procedure usually takes an hour or less though it does depend on the patient and the condition of their arms pre-treatment. Most patients are able to return to their normal day to day activities within a day or two following the liposuction.

During the procedure patients are lightly sedated with the local anesthesia so they are able to remain coherent and awake during the process. After the hour long procedure, patients are not able to drive so they should plan on having a friend or family member on hand to drive them home. Post-treatment patients are able to use their arms fully within a day or two though there might be some mild bruising. The arms will heal at different rates and full results will begin to be noticed after about two months. A compression garment may be required which consists of quarter-length sleeves and should be worn for about 3 days for at least 8 hours a day and for 3 nights followed by 8 hours a day for the following 2 weeks.

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Dr. William Hall

As an experienced surgeon, Dr. Hall has mastered techniques and methods to ensure the best results for fat retention, once it is transferred to a new area. To schedule a consultation today, call (480) 800-4501 and take the first step toward your new image.

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