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Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon reveals Post Op Diet Tips

Dr. Kevin Sadati a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon working at Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery recently announced his golden tips that everyone should follow after having a plastic surgery! Dr. Sadati underlines the importance of changing diet after having a cosmetic surgery and he explains how this can change the patient’s whole life!

According to the doctor, a proper, healthy post op diet will reduce the recovery period while the patient will experience a much better physical and mental condition while being in a tough situation (noone can doubt recovery is always not a pleasant situation)! The diet tips Dr. Sadati reveals are summarized in the following lines:

Dr. Kevin Sadati

Dr.  Sadati reveals post op diet tips

  • The patient should include fruits in his/her diet. The post op constipation can be faced with proper fruit portions! Pears, prunes etc are ideal for this!
  • The patient should drink at least 2 lts of water everyday in order to hydrate his/her body and recover the fluids lost during the procedure
  • The patient experience difficulties in eating after surgery but it is crucial for them to eat soft foods like soups, eggs, smoothies etc
  • The post op nausea caused by anesthesia can be treated with light foods like toast bananas and rice.
  • Finally, its equally important that the patient follows a healthy pre op diet! A proper diet before surgery can make the recovery much easier

What is even more important is that the patient follows these eating habits even after the recovery period! Dr. Sadati states: “This is the perfect opportunity for patients to adopt a lifestyle change, and creating a healthy, yet delicious diet, will benefit the patient in many different ways,”!

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