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Shocking Report: 28-year-old mother dies after butt implants procedure

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Cosmetic surgery is not a risk free matter!! Yesterday a new victim was added in the long list of people lost their lives during cosmetic surgeries. An 28-year-old mother, Suyima Torres, residing in Miami died after a butt implant procedure. Police opend up investigation to clarify the cause of death. Though the results of the investigation are not yet published authorities consider it as a homicide cause. Here is the video given to public from CBS Local:


Suyima Torres

Suyima Torres

Torres had her butt implants done on Cuerpos Health and Aesthetics and she actually spent $2300 on her procedure! Torres was witnessed to be dizzy after treatment and finally she collapsed! Her death came 10 hrs later, in the hospital.

It is probably not a coincidence the fact that almost 30 days ago another patient of the same clinic faced lungs haemorhagge, again during after a butt augmentation procedure! A similar event took place back to 2009 and all these incidents increase the doubt regarding the safety features of butt augmentation.

Hopefully new measures will be established in order to increase safety for such procedures!

Stay tuned for more information.

PS: Click this for more information on Butt Lift

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