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“What it’s Like being a Plastic Surgeon” by Dr. Mir Joffrey

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by Dr. Mir Joffrey

People have seen their work on TV most of the time. The stars and the people with money like stars approach plastic and cosmetic surgery specialists to take care of those “little problems” they have. Gossip columns and shows talk about their handiwork on some of the most sought after people in show business.

But the people behind the scalpel don’t really get that much of the spotlight. And frankly, they really are quite content. Plastic surgeons are all set in terms of success. The last thing they need is for people to ogle their personal lives like they do with their work.

Medscape, a website dedicated to all things in the medical industry, has reported that the potential wage of a plastic surgeon is at around the $270,000 mark.

The worst part about this is that that’s just the average income. If a surgeon has clients who like their work and refer their friends, there’s a large chance that this amount jumps up to above the $300,000 line.

That’s six figures for putting plastic bags in other people’s bodies.

Thinking of changing careers?

Before quitting the day job, consider the fact that people need to become doctors first before they can specialize in plastic surgery. Surgeons are doctors after all. That means going back to the university for a pre-med course. After that, med school. From med school, residency. The numbers needed for such an undertaking are no joke either.

Assuming that the practical surgeon wannabe takes the least expensive path to becoming a doctor by going to a public university and med school, one would still have to shell out around $200,000 for university and med school.

In short, in order to earn like a plastic surgeon, one has to already have the money of a plastic surgeon. It doesn’t come as a surprise that medical school is one of the most expensive educational investments in the market today. The payback is large but the risks are high.

plastic surgeon

On top of the cost of learning to be a doctor, there’s the challenge of becoming one. A lot of med students what to be a plastic surgeon. That’s why one will have stiff competition before becoming a plastic surgeon. A slot in the plastic surgery department of a hospital is not an easy thing to acquire. One will probably have to fight their way up with a scalpel just to get in. Pun intended.

Living the life of a plastic surgeon could seem easy. Getting in and starting a career is the hard part.

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Dr. Mir Joffrey

Dr. Mir Joffrey

Dr. Joffrey is a board certified surgeon who has performed over 3000 cosmetic surgical procedures. Dr. Joffrey is the medical director of the Lift Body Center with operations in Las Vegas ( and (
He is the creator of the trademarked procedure known as Waterlipo™ which is used for fat transfer breast augmentation and serves as a teaching physician for Smartlipo and the Sciton Aesthetic Laser Company. In 2010, he was recognized as one of America's top physicians by the Consumers' Research Council of America.
Dr. Mir Joffrey

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