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AdiCyte & Partner to educate people on Stem Cell Preservation

AdiCyte & Partner to educate people on Stem Cell Preservation 5.00/5 (100.00%) 3 votes

AdiCyte, the company leading the Adipose Stem Cell CryoBanking Market and, the prestigious portal dedicated to Liposuction, have teamed up to educate people on the importance of preserving adipose stem cells.

AdiCyte provides their breakthrough StemCellLipo technology, an add on procedure that gives patients the opportunity to gather stem cells found in adipose tissue! These stem cells are pretty valueable because they can be utilized for future use in tissue engineering or regenerative medicine. Fat tissue is found to be the largest human body’s source of mesenhymal stem cells and these stem cells can replicate and give pretty much every type of tissue (like bone, nerves, muscles etc) and regenerate destroyed tissues (in cases like heart attack, Alzheimer’s disease etc)!


Adicyte, the company behind StemCellLipo

Scott Edelman, the AdiCyte CEO declared: “We think is the quintessential online resource for patients interested in liposuction and every single one of those patients should make an informed decision about their adipose stem cells. We will now have the opportunity to educate a million consumers each year on the benefit of preserving their unique stem cells following their liposuction procedure,”

We at are excited with the amazing potential of Stem Cells and are happy to see these efforts to educate people! This is why we have conducted huge research in order to gather info on stem cells and describe its potential when combined with Liposuction! Stay tuned for our article!

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