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Shocking Live Report straight from the Plastic Surgery Room

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This is something that probably many of you will find a bit shocking but if you give it a second thought it will probably be proved pretty educational. Dr. Jennifer Waldden, a Florida Plastic Surgeon live tweeted everything that took place in her surgery room. She was going to treat Johnna Nesqora, a 49-year old patient that was expecting this operation would make her look 10 years younger: “I know I’m going to be 50 ha ha and I’m trying to hold it at 40,”! We need to notice that Johnna gave Dr. Walden her permission in order for the procedures to be documented on social media!

Dr. Jennifer Walden

Dr. Jennifer Walden

Dr. Walden was going to holistically treat Johnna.. she scheduled a combo of neck liposuction (complete article about neck liposuction right here), eye lift, facelift (more info here) and fat injection. The whole procedure was going to be broadcasted live on Facebook, Vine, Instagram and Twitter!

But why did Dr. Walden decide to do this? She says: “I think it’s pretty important that we as a specialty embrace social media and use some of these avenues to reach patients and provide quality education about the procedures, about the anesthesia, about the safety of the facilities,” and she adds: “certainly there’s a lot of medical information on the internet that is inaccurate or maybe misconstrued or even done by people who aren’t even board certified plastic surgeons but they call themselves that.”

Besides a team from FOX 7 (a Texas TV Station) was permitted to enter the operation room and record the Fat Grafting procedure! Below you can watch the video the published online:


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