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Male Cosmetic Surgery is on the Rise. Find Out Why!

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by Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery

When people hear the words “cosmetic surgery”, their thoughts typically jump to images of self-conscious women who attempt to recapture their long lost youth. This might have been an accurate stereotype in the past but times have changed. To the surprise of many, cosmetic surgeries are now highly popular amongst men, especially those who are over the age of 40. Quite a few men come into our plastic surgery clinic in Barrie looking for procedures, so we hope we can shed some light on why that may be!

Image Is Everything

image stereotypesWhile it is nice to think that it’s what’s on the inside that really counts, those with life experience know otherwise. We live in a superficial world where beautiful people are rewarded with employment opportunities, raises and the chance to develop romantic relationships with physically desirable partners. While you’ll never hear it from a parent or in a classroom, image really does matter more than substance. Women have understood this for centuries and more men than ever before are becoming aware of how their physical appearance can impact all facets of their lives.

According to a recent report released by the American Statistics of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), men are opting for cosmetic surgeries at an incredible pace. In 2011 alone, 1.2 million men chose to undergo cosmetic surgery. Some cosmetic surgeons even report that the majority of their patients are male.  This is no longer a self-help tactic that only women resort to.  Men want to look good and feel good about themselves just as much as women do.  There is no doubt that the 21st century is the age of the “metrosexual”.  Men want to look handsome, hip and young and they are willing to undergo plastic surgery to make it happen.

Career Advancement

A younger look also helps men who are self-conscious about appearing antiquated in the workplace. Although it is rarely admitted out loud, it is quite clear that younger looking men have a competitive advantage in work environments. Men who look old and haggard find it difficult to hold onto their jobs and ascend the corporate ladder. Those who are downsized often opt for cosmetic surgeries to improve their chances of snagging a new position and reviving their careers.  The unfortunate truth for men is that women dominate human resources departments.  It is only human nature for a woman to prefer a young and physically attractive candidate compared to an older man with wrinkles, crow’s feet and excess fat.

career advancement

Recapturing Lost Youth

While plenty of men choose to undergo plastic surgery to appear more desirable to potential significant others, some just want to look and feel younger. Men who look young tend to feel more confident and valued by their peers.  A confident man who feels as though he looks younger than his true age will have a certain swagger about him that other middle-aged and elderly men don’t have.

Popular Cosmetic Surgeries Amongst Men

Some of the most common plastic surgeries for men seeking a youthful appearance include face-lifts, jaw augmentations, gluteal enhancements, breast reductions and liposuctions. Plenty of men are also opting for nose reshaping, commonly known as a rhinoplasty.  Neck lifts are especially common amongst older men. This operation involves the removal of extra fat and skin from the chin area. As a result, the jaw line is significantly enhanced. It really provides a nice square jaw for a chiseled facial aesthetic.

eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is especially common amongst older men.  This is an operation designed to brighten the appearance of the eyes. The ASPS reports that over 30,000 men underwent this operation in 2013. Not only does it make the eyes appear brighter, it also improves the aesthetics of the upper and lower eyelids. It involves intricate techniques including a transconjunctival incision along with subciliary skin tightening.  These methods are used to help prevent an artificial look that makes people think that the patient has had “work done”. With the right surgeon, men can have successful eyelid surgery that creates a natural aesthetic with subtle improvements that really make a world of a difference.

The most popular plastic surgery for men is rhinoplasty. The ASPS reports that in 2013, 57,391 men underwent a rhinoplasty. That’s a figure that most Americans wouldn’t believe unless they read it straight from the ASPS report. The male rhinoplasty is distinct from the female rhinoplasty in terms of the surgeon’s technique to make the shape and form appear more masculine. Surgeons also use different sized implants and unique angles when working on male patients. It’s a much more complicated procedure because of these considerations as well as the fact that male skin is thicker than female skin.

A Mainstream Tipping Point

So, plenty of men are choosing to undergo plastic surgery even though they don’t make it a publicly known fact.  As more men choose to undergo cosmetic surgery, it will soon become socially normative and fully recognized and embraced in mainstream society.

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Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery

Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery

This article was submitted by Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery. They are a leading Barrie plastic surgery clinic, with years of experience and professionalism when it comes to cosmetic prodecures.
Royal Centre of Plastic Surgery

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