I’m 19 – Can i have Lipo?

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Hello and thanks in advance! I am 19 years old, 5’3 and 152 pounds. I am following a healthy diet and also i am having work outs or sports 4 times per week! Unfortunately whatever i try i can’t lose a few ugly pounds all over my body! I know liposuction has many complications, i know that i should probably try reduce the calories consumption but the thing is at the moment my self esteem is severely injured! So my question is whether liposuction is a safe option in my situation

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Latest posts by Demetria Clunie (see all)

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    Posted by Demetria Clunie (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
    Asked on October 8, 2013 9:14 am
    Private answer

    Hi Demetria,
    Liposuction is great for targeting one or two isolated problem spots, but isn’t a solution for general weight loss. If you haven’t reached your target weight yet, then that should be your first goal before considering liposuction. Once your weight has stabilized, it’s very normal to notice that a few spots might not look quite the way you want them to. For example, the ”love handles” and the abdominal area like to hang on to extra weight and are really hard to slim down. If that’s the case, then liposuction will be ideal for fine-tuning just those areas and helping you feel better about your figure.
    Best regards,
    Dr. Castellano

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    Posted by Dr. Joseph Castellano (Questions: 0, Answers: 6)
    Answered on November 20, 2013 5:22 am
    Private answer

    Hi Demetria,
    When it comes to liposuction, there are more factors to consider besides just your age. Overall health is very important as well. The best candidates for liposuction are at their target weight, or within a few pounds, and should also have maintained a steady weight for several months. If you are still in the active process of trying to lose weight, it is not the best time to think about lipo. If you’ve been at the same weight for a while now and are still struggling with a few isolated fat deposits, then lipo may be able to help. Your best option is to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon and get his or her opinion of the situation.
    Best wishes,
    Dr. Campanile

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    Posted by Dr. Frank Campanile (Questions: 0, Answers: 6)
    Answered on November 5, 2013 3:14 pm
    Private answer

    Hi Demetria,

    Thank you for your question. In regards to your age of 19 – there are different laws for every country and their states that govern surgical procedures on minors. I would advise that you speak with your doctor or medical professional as to age restrictions in your local area.

    To assess if liposuction is a ”safe option in your situation” I would strongly recommend a consultation with your doctor. You can begin by seeing your local doctor who may be able to refer you on if necessary to a doctor who specialises in liposuction in your area. These doctors will be able to assess your full medical history, the anticipated improvements you could see after liposuction and also your expectations of your results post procedure. After a thorough consultation, the doctors will be able to discuss with you if liposuction is your best option or if there are alternative treatments that may suit you better.

    Kindest regards,
    Dr Joseph Ajaka

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    Posted by Dr. Joseph Ajaka (Questions: 0, Answers: 31)
    Answered on October 9, 2013 12:24 am
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