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Laser Lipo Reviews

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Laser Liposuction (or Laser Lipo) is among the most prominent options in terms of removing fat the surgical way! There are many Laser Lipo techniques (like Smart Lipo, Cool Lipo, Slim Lipo etc). All of them utilize high level laser beam with wavelengths that are absorbed by fat cells and finally destroy them (more info here) ! If you are planning to give Laser Liposuction a go you should definitely read the following reviews:

Pamela S.

Laser Lipo seemed to be my last resort in terms of smoothing my outer thighs. It’s now two weeks past the operation and things are already look very hopeful! As you can imagine, I’m still in some sort of recovery and that means some amount of discomfort, considerable I could say. Anyway, at least I am trying to mellow that pain by moving less and by wearing more comfortable clothes and shoes. But I am convinced I made the right call and I will soon be rewarded for my courageous choice. My family members support me and state that I am already beginning to look slimmer!

Update: Now it’s over a month after the last post, and if I was optimistic then, now I am fully persuaded I did the right thing! The reduction in my thighs and bottom is obvious now, the pain has gone and my only real issue is to get rid of some of my old clothes, or give them to… chubby friends and relatives! So, I would definitely recommend Laser Lipo to anyone with persistent fat that can’t be shed elsewise, even though it was kind of hard for me to deal with the soreness during the first days.

Dorothy D.

My first few days after the operation on my belly were not trouble-free as swelling was, well, not exactly excessive but considerable, making those days agonizing and filling me with uncertainty about what I had done. Taking ibuprofen certainly helped things develop, and as the days passed, it all became clear: I now had a flatter stomach which completely transformed the way I used to look! But what is equally important is that the operation and its outcome inspired me to thoroughly reconsider my diet habits and adopt a healthier way of eating and exercising! And that’s the biggest guarantee that I won’t ever have similar fat problems in the future.

Brenda A.

I ‘ve been thinking about undergoing liposuction for my flanks and my “shoulder blades” area but the fear of a painful operation kept preventing me from finally going for it. So, when I heard of Laser Lipo, I didn’t hesitate for a moment. As for the procedure itself, it was not totally relaxing, as I experienced some soreness, but I believe that a traditional liposuction would have been incomparably more painful. Anyway, the true problem was not that tenderness but the fact that the results are not what I had anticipated… OK, maybe my flanks are a lot smoother now, but those shoulder blades don’t seem to have benefited at all – and that’s frustrating, to say the least. And I don’t know what to blame the most for that result, the technique or the doctor that performed it?

Kathleen S.

It’s over 3 months after I had Laser Lipo on my stomach and God knows how I regret going for that operation! I mean, what have I done to deserve this? Before the operation, I had made my research and concluded that it was a safe and painful procedure with exceptional results. What I got instead is hollows on my abdominal area and a lot of pain; OK, this pain has been fading over the last few days, but it’s still present. But the results… are a complete tragedy: the fat is simply still on my abs. Now, they ‘ve suggested that I should undergo a complementary operation to correct the misshapen parts of my stomach! Well, if I knew that from the start, I wouldn’t have even considered to have a Laser Lipo! I don’t know what went wrong in my case, but for me Laser Lipo proved to be a total scam.

Martha L.

I am a very young girl (I am only 20 years old) and I generally had no problem with my overall weight (I am 5 ft tall and I weigh 116 pounds), but the accumulated fat on my stomach had always been a source of irritation. Laser Lipo seemed like a decent choice to get rid of my flab once and for all, so I went for it. I had some consultation which gave me confidence as I got informed on the details of the procedure, and obviously on what exactly I wanted from an operation like this. The surgery followed some days after, and the laser delivered an incredibly trouble-free and relaxing experience, event though only regional anesthesia was applied before a tiny incision was made for the cannula to be inserted. After the operation, I was free to walk out, only wearing a compression garment, and I was able to go back to my work just two days after. Bruising was negligible and I only experienced some swelling, which faded away after some days.

So, if the operation and the recovery were very close to perfection, the results I have now are just perfect! Half a month after the procedure, and my abdominal area is smooth and well-toned, with all that unwanted flab gone, hopefully for ever! Thank you, Laser Lipo!

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Laser Lipo Reviews 5.00/5 (100.00%) 3 votes

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