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Plastic Surgeon accused of forging death certificate of unlucky patient

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Raquel Dos Santos, a Brazilian model died on January 11th because of heart attack that followed a face filler injection in order to remove her laughter lines, adding her name to a list of cases where plastic surgery lead to death of the patients. The latest news show that the plastic surgeon who was responsible for this procedure somehow forged poor Raquel’s death certificate.

What is investigated is whether the doctor, Wagner Moraes neglected to ask her about taking medication that could cause side effects. Now police claims that Moraes fixed her death certificate in order to hide his negligence. It is also revealed that Dos Santos was taking forbidden steroids (a horse stimulant called Poteney) in order for her gym work outs to have stronger effect on her.. the thing is steroids may increase the blood pressure to extremely high levels and probably this caused her heart attack. Moraes failed to ask her twice about her medication while he had two meetings with her, before and after the procedure took place.

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Mario Jose Lamblet dos Santos, the Police official claimed: “She was checked twice by the doctor.” and added “During the investigation, we discovered that he (the surgeon) only knew she was using anabolics when hospital staff declared her dead.”

This is another case in the long, rapidly increasing list of plastic surgeries/cosmetic procedures gone wrong. This is among the reasons why we, at, continue highlighting the urgency to choose responsibly, after thorough research.

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