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33% of Plastic Surgeries in S. Korea leave patients “Unsatisfied”

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The hot topic of Medical Tourism is repeatedly discussed on LipoAdvisor. It seems there are two different opinions.. the first highlights the high numbers of unsatisfied patients that opted for “plastic surgery tourism” because of the lower costs while the other focuses on the high demand on medical tourism which obviously appears for very important reasons!

Recently a few numbers coming from South Korea show that the supporters of the first opinion have a serious point here! Noone argues that Korea is a “must” destination for people seeking plastic surgery combining it with medical tourism. On the other hand the stats revealed by the Korea Consumer Agency (KCA) are discouraging! A study conducted with one thousand cosmetic surgery patients showed that 323 of them (32.3%) were not satisfied with the results of the procedures! At the same moment a 17% reported scars, asymmetrical results or infections which is probably even more serious!

Such numbers support the opinion of our expert guest Erika Fitzgerald who insists to say NO to small cosmetic surgery costs!

But the stats don’t stop here! KCA claims it received 16534 calls during the last three years regarding plastic surgery! 69.5% of them were about complaints regarding the results of the procedures, 22.1% involved “refunds and service complaints”!

As for the types of procedures with the higher popularity it seems that double-eyelid surgery comes first (68%), rhinoplasty comes second (26%) and facial contouring treatments come third (11%)!

Finally KCA reports that more than 50% of the participants were in their 20’s!

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