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Study Reveals exhaustion is a major issue for Plastic Surgeons

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sb10065285bb-001Burnout is found to be among the most important issues that tackle Plastic Surgeons’ efficieny according a study recently published in the Journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery! Following a study that took place among the surgeons which showed that exhaustion appears in almost 40% of Surgeons (!) a more specific study was carried out by a research team at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago investigating the burnout effect on Plastic Surgeons only!

The results of the study can be found here and they are pretty interesting and enlightening! The survey, conducted anonymously among the members of ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons), showed more than 25% of the American Plastic Surgeons suffer from burnout symptoms!

The feedback from 1691 American Plastic Surgeons (almost 30% of the total number of ASPS members) showed that 29.7% of the Plastic Surgeons face the issue of burnout! The study attempted to reveal the risk factors that bring about such incidents and it became almost clear that the most important parameters which lead to burnout is: number of working hours, academic rank and annual income! So it became evident that the rate of burnout for surgeons working in the field of aesthetics or microsurgery is double while lower academic rank is also connected to higher risk of exhaustion! Also, plastic surgeons that are on-call for more than 2 nights per week show a higher rate of burnout incidents!

It’s also quite impressive that 25% of Plastic surgeons appear to lead a lower quality life comparing to the average citizen, while these burnout symptoms lead lower career satisfaction and conflict with family members! Such Plastic surgeons appear to show double rates of self reported impairment and medical errors!

These stats can be proved quite helpful for Plastic Surgeons to improve quality of life and work and lead the whole Plastic Surgery Industry to a better future! Hopefully a better tomorrow is coming!

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