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Study shows 50% of Facial Plastic Surgery Patients Consume Herbal Supplements

The results of a new study reveal an important notice! Almost half of the patients that opt for Facial Plastic Surgery consumer herbal supplements pre op! But why is this worrisome? The leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. B. Guyuron claims these substances are not well researched so it is more than crucial for someone to stop taking them before operation as they could be proved harmful.

Dr. Bahman Guyuron

Dr. Bahman Guyuron speaks about pre surgery supplements consumption

What was the study about? ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) analysed 200 patients having facial plastic surgeries like facelift (more info here), rhinoplasty etc)! Not surprisingly 80% were women but what was really important is that almost 50% of them were consuming at least one herbal supplement before surgery. And this is pretty important because many supplements like fish oil, bromelein, bilberry etc are linked with increased risk of bleeding which would be pretty dangerous in a case of plastic surgery. We need to notice that there is no clear image regarding this topic because no full research is conducted till now!

Dr. Bahman Guyuron suggests that the patient should stop taking the supplements 2 weeks pre op and keep his doctor updated. “It is extremely important to investigate the use of herbal medicines, as many of these supplements can put the surgical patient at risk,” Dr. Guyuron says and adds “[High risk supplements] are quite commonly used and the surgeon must elicit a complete history in order to avoid the known adverse consequences of supplement use on surgical outcome.”

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